CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

Photo Journey: Food Stamped Film Viewing and Discussion

On Monday, November 5 Mystic Museum of Art hosted a viewing of the film, Food Stamped.

About to begin

Owner of Kate’s Cafe in Mystic, Kate Straub, and her Executive Chef, Gwenivere Lyon started the evening with a tasting of healthy, good-for-you food from their menu: Mexican Black Bean Quinoa Salad, Raw Beet Salad, and Curried Chickpea Salad.

Kate's Cafe Food Spread

Kate and Gwen spoke briefly about the different ways we could choose to eat healthier. Kate reassures us that we, “are not limited to sitting down in front of a bowl of raw broth.”

Kate and Gwen, Kate's Cafe

Once the movie started, our audience followed Shira and Yoav Potash, a couple who take on the food stamp challenge and live on a food stamp budget for one week.

Food Stamped, Film Viewing at Mystic Museum of Art

After the film Brian Trent, writer and moderator for the panel, initiated a discussion about the film. The panel included; Craig Floyd, owner Footsteps Farm in Stonington, Connecticut; Dan Meiser, owner of the Oyster Club Restaurant in Mystic; Lisa Tepper Bates, Executive Director of MASH (Mystic Area Shelter and Hospitality); and Kelly Horton, Vice President of the Gemma E. Moran United Way/Labor Food Center & Food Policy Council.

Food Stamped Panel

Brian Trent tells us, “this is the 1st generation not expected to live past their parents’ generation.”

Brian Trent

Kelly Horton says, “11% of people in this county are on food stamps.”

Craig Floyd, panelists, food stamped

Audience members express their struggle with eating healthy on a budget, and look to the panel for ways the community and local government can help.

Questions from the audience

Some members of the audience ask what can be done in our communities to make healthy food more affordable and accessible.

Donna Simpson Talking

The panelists encourage the community to work together to find solutions, like creating community gardens and participating in programs like the New London County Food Policy Council.

Learn more about these events sponsored by Connecticut Humanities throughout the remainder of the year in observance of National Food Day.