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New Museum Designation for Mystic Arts Center, Now Mystic Museum of Art

New Museum Designation for Mystic Museum of Art, Now Mystic Museum of Art
Mystic Museum of Art announced today that we will change our name to the Mystic Museum of Art (MMoA). Having recently celebrated our centennial anniversary in 2013, we intend to operate all of our affairs according to the established professional standards of the industry. Mary Anne Stets, President of our Board of Directors said, “This new designation befits the organization’s community-minded spirit, broad educational focus, and standards of excellence.” On the heels of a strategic planning process and following a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, the name change will take effect January 2, 2016 and be part of a rebranding effort that will be implemented over the next several months.
We were able to conduct and complete a three-year strategic plan thanks to a capacity building grant from Connecticut Humanities that funded the engagement of our consultants. The process provided a tremendous opportunity for MMoA leadership to have discussions about our identity, value to the community and contribution to scholarly programs. A large survey of constituents as well as focus groups were part of the feedback solicited to help our leadership identify strengths and opportunities as well as a name that would best describe the next century of activity for our 102 year-old organization.
MMoA will continue to engage the regional art scene, teach art, foster creativity, and serve as a gathering place for the exchange of ideas. Executive Director, George King, stated that “the museum designation underscores, above all, our wish to be committed to community and place. We will be introducing and assimilating into the existing program, exhibitions that have scholarly content focusing on diverse subjects, both historical and contemporary with national and international merit, that will require exhibiting our collection, while borrowing works from other private and public lenders.”  It is our goal to enhance our publications program with catalogues that will accompany the new exhibition program.  Once adequate funding is secured, the Permanent Collection, will undergo a thorough assessment and review to determine its long term use, how the Museum cares for it and the development of a conservation plan.
The Museum designation also requires that we operate to the standards benchmarked and espoused by the American Alliance of Museums, the New England Museum Association, and the Association of Art Museum Directors.