CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

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Young At Art


May 1, 2020 @ 11:00 am
May 30, 2020 @ 5:00 pm

Unfortunately, due to the prevalence of – and as a precaution against – the spread of COVID-19, 2020’s Young At Art exhibition (the area’s foremost annual youth art exhibition!) has been pushed back to next year.

Young At Art is part of MMoA’s commitment to fostering creativity in the community, enriching children’s lives through art and art education, and celebrating the importance of the use of art to advance learning in our region’s schools. The exhibition, which showcases creative work from hundreds of children from Pre-K to High School, gives students the opportunity to see their own art and that of their contemporaries on display in a Museum setting, installed with as much seriousness and consideration as that of professional artists.

In lieu of a physical exhibition in the Museum galleries this spring, MMoA hopes to mount a virtual exhibition that can be viewed from the safety and comfort of home during this interminable time of social distancing in response to COVID-19.

Any teachers, parents, or students who would like to participate, please email a picture of your piece to MMoA’s Exhibition Manager, Amelia Onorato, at
Along with an image, in the email’s body please include:

  • the young artist’s name,
  • the piece’s title,
  • the medium in which it was created,
  • and the artist’s school (this last is optional).

As there will be no judge, no prizes shall be awarded. But we would all love to see some colorful art in these trying times!

Wash your hands, stay healthy, and let’s all look out for each other.

Sponsored by the Family of Lil Maxwell