CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

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Women of Mystic


March 15 @ 11:00 am
June 2 @ 5:00 pm

PLEASE NOTE: We will be closed for a brief installation between April 22 – May 3. Women of Mystic will reopen May 4.

The great majority of artists represented in history books, art criticism, public collections, and major exhibitions are men. Those who represent them, write about them, and exhibit them are also, for the most part, men. Nonetheless, women figure largely in every artistic movement—from the Baroque masterpieces of Artemisia Gentileschi to the Abstract Expressionism of Helen Frankenthaler. Historically discouraged from asserting themselves and their art, they had to rely on unconventional approaches to a career. This exhibition explores several of the pathways followed by the women who distinguished the Mystic art colony from its founding to the 21st Century. In the absence of any other access to the art world, for example, some women built on the practice and the networks of male family members (fathers, brothers, husbands, etc.) who were artists. Lorinda Dudley, Frances Davis, and Beonne Boronda all managed to develop and refine their skills in adjacency to a family.



Cheryl Barrett (1924-1993)
Gladys Edgerly Bates (1896-2003)
Beonne Boronda (1911-2012)
Francis Brackman (1912-2006)
Beatrice Lavis Cuming (1903-1974)
Frances Darby Davis (1871-1962)
Lorinda Dudley (1845-1930)
Charlotte Fuller Eastman (1878-1965)
Flora Fairchild (1923-2008)
Gladys L. Flint (1866-1954)
Katherine “Speedy” Forest (1883-1952)
Marguerite Hanson (1898-1988)
Audrey Heard (1924-2012)
Marjory Horn (1913-1978)
Katherine Tod Johnstone (1922-1999)
Agnes Harrison Lincoln (1870-1954)
Beatrice Edgerly Macpherson (1898-1973)
Lil Maxwell (1921-2003)
Dorothy Miller (1920-1986)
Minnie Negoro (1919-1998)
Margaret L. Triplett (1904-1991)
Paulette van Roekens (1896-1988)



Thank you to our exhibition lenders:
Deborah Dodds and Greg Smith
Cara Lopilato
Jonathan C. Sproul


MMoA is supported by:
CT Office of the Arts
The Kitchings Family Foundation



Watch a previous Gallery Talk by Executive Director V. Susan Fisher on Portrait of a Young Woman by Agnes Harrison Lincoln (1880-1954). This painting is on display in Women of Mystic.