CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

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Stories from the Permanent Collection


January 28, 2022 @ 11:00 am
March 6, 2022 @ 5:00 pm

2022 is the year of narrative art at Mystic Museum of Art (MMoA). Narrative art is art that tells a story. It can take many forms. This exhibition showcases 37 works of narrative art that tell stories in various ways, created by members of the Mystic art colony.

In the wake of the Industrial Revolution, many artists were able to make a living as illustrators for the burgeoning publication industry. Such work gave artists the freedom to leave major urban areas, at least for a few months each year, to live in art colonies. The artists of the Mystic art colony illustrated books and magazines, some examples of which are included in this exhibition.

Stories from the Permanent Collection presents several forms of narrative art, from the illustration of literature to the portrayal of experiences lived or witnessed by the artists. Some of the stories are humorous. Some are tragic. Some border on the journalistic while others are creations of pure imagination. All have a story to tell, and MMoA is honored to present them as the first chapter in a year-long exploration of narrative art.

Support for this exhibition was provided by CT Humanities (CTH), with funding provided by the Connecticut State Department of Economic and Community Development/Connecticut Office of the Arts (COA) from the Connecticut State Legislature.