CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

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Dr. Michael Sullo

In this oil painting course, students will learn the techniques of the Italian masters. Students will assemble and use several items that are close to their heart(examples: grandfather’s pocket watch, mother’s china, brother’s trophy, any items that have special meaning) OR  photographs of these items as still life reference. From the initial drawing through to the detailing and emphasizing with impasto, all stages of the creation process will be discussed and practiced. The instructor will assist each student as they progress in their study and create their own masterpieces.

Techniques that will be practiced are:

  1. Drawing both one-point, and two-point perspective.
  2. Monochrome underpainting
  3. Adding Color using the technique of velatura.
  4. Blending colors with transparent glazes.
  5. Introducing impasto paint to emphasize and detail.

 Five-week series

Wednesdays, 9am – 12pm

October 25 – November 22

Members $230 / Non-Members $270

Class Supply List

Items that are close to the student’s heart(examples: grandfather’s pocket watch, mothers china, any items that have special meaning) OR photographs of the items

For Drawing:

Conte a Paris crayon(color sanguine)

Fabriano 1264 drawing pad size 18” x 24”

Derwent Coloursoft Pencils: set of 6 (skin tone)

For Painting:

Charvin Extra-fine Professional Oil Colors (Suggested)

Golden shell

Ivory Black

Cadmium Red

Yellow Ochre

Red Oxide


Winsor Newton Liquin Original 500MI

Panels: Canturion LX Acrylic Primed Linen Panels (One 16” x 20)