CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

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Best of Mystic: Juried Highlights from Members of the Mystic Museum of Art at the Providence Art Club


August 6, 2023 @ 12:00 pm
August 25, 2023 @ 3:00 pm

The institutional collaboration between Mystic Museum of Art (MMoA) and the Providence Art Club (PAC) that began with 2022’s exhibition More Than Hot Type continues in 2023 with Best of Mystic: Juried Highlights from Members of the Mystic Museum of Art! This exhibition will be on view in PAC’s historic Maxwell Mays Gallery from August 6 – 25.

Featured Image credit: Gigi Horr Liverant (Elected Artist), Moon Rising (detail), acrylic on canvas

The Providence Art Club is located at 11 Thomas Street, Providence, RI 02903.
Gallery Hours: Weekdays Noon – 3pm or other times by appointment

Opening Reception at Providence Art Club: Saturday, August 12 from 4-6pm

Gallery Night Providence: Thursday, August 17

William Butcher, The Blue Table, acrylic and foamboard on canvas

Congratulations to the MMoA Elected Artist and Artist Members selected for this exhibition:

Suzanne Dickson Albert (Elected Artist)
James Anderson
Terri Banas (Elected Artist)
Jillian Barber (Elected Artist)
Diane Brown (Elected Artist)
Jill Butcher
William Butcher
Rita Dawley (Elected Artist)
Linda DiFrenna (Elected Artist)
Trish Elwood O’Day (Elected Artist)
Margaret Emond (Elected Artist)
BJ Gaynor
Kam Ghaffari
Maureen Goss
Will Holub (Elected Artist)
Laura Hopkins
Sunil Howlader (Elected Artist)
Peter Hussey (Elected Artist)
Roger Johanson (Elected Artist)
Daniel Lake (Elected Artist)
Rafael Lino
Gigi Horr Liverant (Elected Artist)
Robert Loebell (Elected Artist)
David Madacsi (Elected Artist)
Catherine Mansell (Elected Artist)
Howard Margules (Elected Artist)
Lisa Miceli (Elected Artist)
Janvier Miller (Elected Artist)
Gustaf Miller (Elected Artist)
Joan Mullins
Paul M. Murray (Elected Artist)
Colleen O’Connor (Elected Artist)
Howard Park (Elected Artist)
Charles Perini (Elected Artist)
Scott Rhoades
R. Douglass Rice (Elected Artist)
Diana Rogers (Elected Artist)
Helen Roy
Beryl Salinger Schmitt
Ann N. Scavone (Elected Artist)
Carmela Venti (Elected Artist)
Deborah Weiss
Millie White
Anne Winthrop Cordin (Elected Artist)

Helen Roy, Parallels~Blues, acrylic on canvas

The Providence Art Club was founded in 1880 by professional and amateur artists and art collectors, including several women and the African-American artist Edward Mitchell Bannister. The goal of the founders was to encourage and support art in the community. The club has expanded into four picturesque historic buildings that are now home to studios, three galleries, and a clubhouse. Through public programs, outstanding art classes, and a robust exhibition schedule, the Art Club continues a welcoming tradition of sponsoring and supporting the visual arts.