D Derek
Stretch your imagination. Be inspired. Be moved. This Art Explorers youth program offers a vibrant spectrum of classes on painting, drawing, mixed media, printmaking, and sculpture. Create two and three-dimensional works of art inspired by an exciting array of artists from around the world. Explore a variety of mediums and materials including acrylic, watercolor, markers, graphite, clay, plaster, paper, fiber, organic, and recycled materials. Learn through experimentation and imagination to develop creative thinking and self-expression.
Choose to register for all classes or specific, individual classes:
Tuesdays, 4:15pm – 5:45pm
January 30 – April 16
12-class series: Members $190 / Non-Members $225
Individual classes: Members $18 / Non-Members $21
January 30, February 6, February13, February 20, February 27(make up class is April 23), March 5, March 12, March 19, March 26, April 2(make up class is April 30), April 9, April 16
All supplies included with registration.