CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

2017 Annual Meeting

Mystic Museum of Art
Dear Member,
The Board of Directors and staff of Mystic Museum of Art invite you to join us for our Annual Meeting in the Charles H. Davis Gallery, from 5:30pm – 6:30pm on Thursday, April 20, 2017.
The Annual Meeting provides an opportunity to discuss our accomplishments of the past year and to review our organization’s plans for the future.
Newly Elected Artists Ralph Acosta, Susan Burgess, Patricia Cahalan, Mary Gazda, William Gilroy, Sean Kane, Michael P. Kennedy, Daniel Lake, Gus Miller, Jan Miller, Charles Perini, Michele Sinkez, Joseph Soares, and Dick Traskos will be introduced at the meeting, continuing MMoA’s tradition of recognizing the achievements of our artist members.  Annual Reports will be distributed at the meeting and will be available on our web site.  Courtney Moore will be presented with the Volunteer of the Year Award acknowledging her many contributions to MMoA.  One Board member, Rhona Heyl, will have completed her term and will be stepping down from the Board this year.  We are grateful for her service.  Board members nominated for reelection to a second term are Todd Brady, Caleb Rose, and Joe Selinger.  Votes will be held at the meeting to approve this year’s Board slate.  If you will not be attending the meeting, please complete an absentee ballot.  Completed ballots may be mailed or dropped off at the Museum by Monday, April 17th.
You are also invited to join us for the opening reception of our Members & Elected Artist Members Exhibition immediately following the meeting.  We hope you will be able to attend as we celebrate the accomplishments of this past year and look toward the future of Mystic Museum of Art. Below please find an agenda for the evening.

Charles H. Davis Gallery, Thursday, April 20, 2017

5:30pm                        Opening Remarks, Board President
5:45pm                         Business Meeting

  1. Secretary’s Report
  2. Treasurer’s Report

III.                                 President’s Report

  1. Executive Director’s Report
  2. Election of Board

Re-elect to 2nd three-year term: Todd Brady, Caleb Rose, and Joe Selinger                                             

  1. Announcement of New Elected Artist Members

VII.                               Unfinished Business
VIII.                               New Business
6:30pm                        Opening Reception Members/Elected Artist Members Exhibit