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Mindfulness and Art

 Mindful Art There seems to be a trend afflicting our culture these days. Many of us seem to be lacking focus and we feel the physical and mental effects of

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Blackout Poetry

Objective: It is a remarkable experience when art connects with language and incorporates text. That could mean a lot of things from writing and illustrating a graphic novel,  creating projects

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Process Art

Objective: If your child has ever proudly pointed out something they’ve made, and you have absolutely NO idea what you’re looking at, then you’ve already experienced Process Art. This type

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DIY Scratchboards

DIY Scratchboards Objective: Sure you could easily go out and buy a pack of inexpensive scratchboards but where’s the satisfaction in that? Try making them yourself. It’s simple, satisfying, and

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Coloring Lawless

Color and share this work from our permanent collection! Carl Lawless enjoyed using flowers from his own garden in Mystic as the subjects for his still lifes. How will you

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Objective: Experience this Japanese design concept which involves the placement of high contrast elements to create balanced light and dark areas in a composition. In art, dark and light need

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Abstract Nylon Sculptures

Abstract Nylon Sculptures Objective: We always want to give students a project they can be proud of and one that boosts their confidence at the start of a class; one

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Coloring Lincoln

  Color and share this work from our permanent collection! Agnes Harrison Lincoln was known for her floral pastel drawings.  Though she commonly added small details in the background (this

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Tissue Box Monsters

Making Tissue Box Monsters Objective: We are always telling our students that before throwing away something they consider trash (or recycling it) that they should give some thought as to

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Pool Noodle Boats

Pool Noodle Boats (and other things Aquatic) Objective: We have always enjoyed creating art with children that uses a material in an interesting way. And who doesn’t love the element

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Pointing to Spring

“Pointing” to Spring  Objective: Although it may not feel like it today (brrrrrrrrrrr), spring is here! Celebrate the season by painting signs of spring (think birds, butterflies, flowers…) Pointillist style!

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