CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

Annual Fund Thank You

To all our 2020 Annual Fund donors,
Thank you for making MMoA a priority – keeping us strong and keeping our doors open.  Thanks to you, we will continue to bring art and audiences together in every way we can as we build our plans for a vibrant 2021.
We look forward to seeing you in the new year!
Thank you to all our donors listed below as well as several anonymous donors, Charter Oak Credit Union, Pfizer, Big Y, and AdvanSix Inc.

Lisa Lyman Adams
Sully and Ann Ahamed
Alex Bancroft
Karen N. Barthelson
Roger Beers
Barbara Block
Neal Bobruff and Jean Lassen
Gilbert Boro
Randall Brooks
Laura and Ken Brown
Alan and Mary Jane Brush
Jean Buffum
James C. Burbank
Karin and Russ Burgess
Laurel Butler and Chris Daniels
Judi Caracausa
Mildred I. Carlson
Jean Cassidy and Charlie Ross
Bonnie and Frederick Castellani
Linda Cernak
Samuel and Beth Chapin
Albert and Victoria Christian
James and Bette Collins
Carol Sward Comeau
Kathy Conway
Marie Cox
Ruth W. Crocker
Sherry Crum
Timothy Cummings
Elizabeth and Curtis Danforth
Rita Dawley
Kathleen DeMeo in honor of Susan Rosano and in memory of Marco Grimaldi
Harvey and Jeanne Demovick
Mary Ellen Doblecki
Frank and Jackwyn Durrschmidt
Ron and Marlene Estabrooks
Gail and Edward Ettinger
David J. Evans
Gilbert Fahey
V. Susan Fisher
Judith Flora
Jackson Foley and Saranne Murray
Marjorie Fondulas
Mary and Paul Fox
Susan Fridy
Thomas Frohnapfel
Duane V. Gamble
Graham H. Gavert in memory of Gloria C. Gavert
Marc and Barbara Ginsberg
Eric Goodman
Thomas and Elizabeth Halsey
Andrew Halsey
Nikki and Adrian Hamburger
Frances H. Harkins
Stuart Herlands
Judith and Barrie Hesp
Ms. Marilyn Hoffman
Meredith Jannusch
Eileen Kenny
Catherine Michele Kirk and Chris McWilliams
Chet and Suzanne Kitchings
Patricia Kitchings
Mari Kodama
Deborah Kotchen
Henie Kurzman and Peter Lacy
Sara Lathrop
Kevork Lazyan
Jack Leary and Joanne Lukaszewicz
Elizabeth and Fredric Lebel
Mary Kay Long and Dennis Unites
Sarah Stifler Lucas
Carol and William Lusignea
Marianne and Stephen Lynner
David Madacsi
Brenda Manning
Marcus Maronn
Prudence and Stearns Martin
Cynthia and Robert Martin
Alexandra McCagg
John and Marcia McGowan
Nancy and Tom McLoughlin
William P Middleton
Virginia Morse
Deborah Newhouse and Patrick Gustafson
Dennis and Deborah O’Brien
Bjorn Olson
Lana J. Orphanides
Carol Oviatt
Anne Page and Bob Mercer
Cynthia R. Palmer in honor of Karin Whittemore
Judson Perkins
Helen Peterle
Anne B. Pierson
Jeffrey C. Pritchard
John and Thalia Pryor
Ed Purcell and Grace Smith
James Quinn
Ann and Paul Rath
Scott Rhoades
R. Douglass Rice and Cynthia Elliott
Betty Richards
Van and Mary Riley
Janet and Ronald Romanowski
Nicholas Salerno
Ann Scavone
Davnet Conway Schaffer
Beryl Salinger Schmitt
Ms. Margaret Schock
Shirley Sebastian
Joseph and Noreen Selinger
Dana and Richard Semeraro
Alicia and Thomas Settle
Catherine Whall Smith
Kenneth and Anne Soeder
Mark and Kim Spano
Diane and Ernest Spira
Karen Steever
Mary Anne Stets and H. Wes Maxwell
Lolly Stoddard
David Schulz and Karen Stone
Peter and Karin Stuart
John Sutphen
Carol Swift in honor of Cindy Martin
Prudence and Stearns Martin
Sabina and Richard Tompkins
Ethan and Kay Tower
Peggy and Richard Traskos
Irene Trimble
Mark Turner
Betty S. Tylaska
Lissa van Dyke
Daphne R. Vayos
Melissa Verdier
Kara E. vonHousen
Waller and Jeff Walker
Ms. Barbara Washburn
Thomas and Linda Watkins
Norton C. Wheeler
Stanley and Barbara White
Karin Forde Whittemore and Peter Kepple
Karin Forde Whittemore and Peter Kepple in honor of Andy Halsey’s birthday
Stephen Wilson
Julie and Nate Woody
Tom and Bonnie Wright
Hong Xu
Frederick and Patricia Ziegler