CURRENT HOURS: Monday - Sunday 11AM - 5PM

Tissue Box Monsters

Making Tissue Box Monsters

Objective: We are always telling our students that before throwing away something they consider trash (or recycling it) that they should give some thought as to how it can be used to make art. We have seen amazing art come out of the recycling bin- plastic, cardboard, aluminum containers, can be used as art materials with the added benefit of teaching your child about how repurposing such items can help keep the planet clean and healthy. Turn plastic grocery bags into hanging jellyfish, turn scrap cardboard and other packaging materials into a medieval castle, tin cans into a robot, and don’t even get me started with all the countless possibilities using toilet paper rolls! Here is a simple project that kids will love.

· An empty cardboard tissue box
· Paint, markers, wrapping paper or anything else that would work to add color to the box
· Scissors, glue, and whatever you have that could be used for decorative elements: construction paper, yarn, wire, fabric, cotton balls, pasta shapes, etc…
1) Take an empty tissue box (these work well because the opening works great as a mouth but obviously any cardboard box shape will work) and prime/ paint it with craft or spray paint. Painting the inside back of the box black creates a good look for your monster’s mouth. Leave it to dry.
2) Glue teeth into the mouth opening of your monster. Foam paper works great for this, but plain white construction paper works as well.
3) Decorate the body of the box with anything you like. Eyes can be made with cotton balls, a cut up egg carton, pipe cleaners…. gather scrap items from around the house and think about creative and surprising ways they can be used to add detail to your box monster.

Extra: Is your monster scary or silly? What’s his/her name? How did he/she arrive at your house? Write a story about your monster and show it to your Language Arts teacher for bonus points!